What Others are Saying About
Relic Tech




Science Fiction

Short Stories

Where Available



Reviews & Interviews



"The tech level premise is fascinating, but what really makes the novel special is the spirit of Krakista Keesay. Kra is a hero to root for—often underestimated, adept with brass knuckles, bayonet, shotgun, and all sorts of old style weaponry. He proves that, while technology matters, so do courage, intelligence, and daring."
—Tony Daniel, Hugo-finalist, author of Metaplanetary and
Guardian of Night


"Relic Tech is a brilliant piece of science fiction space opera, with edge of your seat action, space battles, aliens, characters you can love (and hate) and a plot that catches you from the beginning and pulls you through to the end. You'll be cheering for Specialist Keesay all the way through this thrilling ride!”
—Angie Lofthouse, author of
Defenders of the Covenant

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This page Last Updated:  12/16